Spring Is Springing ...

It has been a beautiful and sunny day here today, Eric and I popped into town this morning for an hour so.

This afternoon we decided to go for a walk near where we live before having teaas the weather was still lovely, we saw a couple of squirrels a water vole and some frogs, it was lovely seeing all the animals and insects.

This guy stopped us and asked if I worked for the Council, I think it was because I had my camera with me, I said "No why?" he said "There is a man laying in the bushes over there he has been there since this morning".

Eric went to have a look and there was a man laying there, I told Eric not to disturb him as you dont know how he might react.

We saw a policeman and policewoman and told them about it so they went to have a look, it is such a shame that people have to live like this, I hope he isnt hurt or even dead. It must be such an awful life to have to live like this.

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