Marsupium Photography

By magi

a bit of the orient

We decided to attempt to reduce the amount of plastic packaging that comes into the house. An obvious target is food. This means with have to reduce our reliance on the supermarket. Our household is nearly vegetarian with the exception for cold meat for our sandwiches. Cold meat doesn't really feature in Scottish (British) cuisine - at least for a German. So the super posh Italian deli has to do to supply our salami. To be fair it is super tasty (although I'd be happy with a few notches less posh). So what's left is a bike ride across town which is good for getting exercise and a new source of blips. 

I really love the oriental cloth shops on Leith Walk. They have always fascinated me. They are so colourful and exotic. Although I have the feeling there are not as many as there used to be. I guess all shopping is going down the drain.

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