Further my skills

By H0tamer

A tall fellow

I was having a hike with our son Renfrebar today. Carrying my camera, because I planned to take a picture of something tall for the Wide Wednesday challenge (thanks, Steveng, for hosting).
The mountains of the Taunus were too far away, as were the skyscrapers of Frankfurt.
But there were some other tall things, electricity pylons and mobile transmission masts. The first are tall but don't look tall so much.
The latter even look tall. This one is a bit more than 60 metres high. I turned my camera 90 degrees and was quite close, still I saw the mast from top to bottom.

If you are interested, the mast is officially described here as 71010469. It's the one in the middle of the map. Apparently safety distance is 10 metres from the senders, and they happen to be at 43 metres or more above the ground.

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