
By youngniks


Happy Valentines Day and Happy Birthday to my brother Chris .... he's in Africa (South Sudan) so I can't send him anything. I've ordered a couple of things to give him when I see him next although I've not seen him for almost a year!

Strange day again at work! It's my week for looking stupid ... we dressed up in period costume and went to the railway station to wish people Happy Valentine's Day with flowers and propose Marriage (handing them a flyer for our current show called Marriage!)

Photography in the evening ... my shoe photo (that I took at 8.30am this morning) won and I showed my photos of Yangon Old Railway offices. They get a very good response and Simon the tutor even says he wants a copy of the book I have to create with them! We also had to take abstract photos of tulips!

No Valentines from Jules ... not sure if he received my Biscuiteers card even.

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