The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

Another flower... and a load of grrrs

Day started well, a busy one - did some extra working hours to make up for some shorter days during the week and got all I finished everything I'd planned to. Then just as I thought I might go out it started raining. So decided on another 'lightbox' session with the wilty(ish) flowers from that old bunch that had my rose in. Chose one for my blip and thought I'd do my type-up early for a change as nothing particularly had happened, so it would be quick one (for me)!

Now, if you can't be bothered with woffle and ranting, step away from the blip...

I got as far as the kitchen to start tea, I had a ridiculous phonecall from some someone chuckling to himself: Me: Why are you laughing? Idiot: Chuckle, chuckle, because I'm happy Miss Maxwell, and how are you? Me: Who are you? Idiot: I'm from EON and... chuckle, chuckle... did you think I was a secret admirer with it being Valentine's Day? It took me all my time not to reply more sharply than I did! Needless to say I didn't take him up on his offer of a special boiler servicing deal. Grrrr. I hate people cold calling at teatime at the best of times.

I'd just settled down to type my blip up when there was another phone call - our Grimsby handyman, hereinafter called S - who does a great job on our rented houses. S started some work at the house of one of our more difficult tenants - hereinafter referred to as K.

K can be gushing one minute but can turn ranty... and often appears to bend the truth. S rung me to query a few things he knew we'd not agreed on, but K had made her own list including extras. Grrrr

After a lengthy call, we sorted out what S should do and that I'd contact him again in the morning if anything changed. I left S to organise his Friday work with K and settled down again, feeling slightly prickly by now.

Then came the long ranty text from K in response to S phone call to her. Her text tone wound me up and left me totally cheesed off. Grrrrr

This meant another lengthy call to S, when I actually wanted to phone K and tell her to .... Well... you know!

Al had stuff to finish at work and therefore needed to get the much later train back from Leeds, and he'd barely got his coat off at 8pm before he was getting an earful of rant!! Luckily, he's calmer than me, so we came up with a solution that meant K hadn't manipulated us too much. In the meantime K had emailed me the same rant as the text too. Grrr

I took a few... well a lot... of deep breaths and set about emailing K, setting out very clearly a plan of action and what we would and wouldn't do... and made sure K knew I wasn't happy with her tone. Grrrrr

So here I am now at gone 11.20pm, feels like the night's disappeared and I've done nothing in particular other than rant :-(

Ho hum, another day tomorrow - catch up with comments in the morning

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