Tractor Factory Photos

By TractorFactoryPhotos

The Rona One: Alby...

I've been mulling a new wee photo project in my head over the past week or so.  Basically a wee snapshot of life whilst we deal with the current pandemic situation.  Portraits of people with a few basic questions to gauge how they are dealing with the current restrictions and life as we deal with the corona virus pandemic.

My first willing victim is Alby.  He, along with Sinead, Lou and the four legged Atticus, run the excellent Little Shop of Heros comic book shop in Dunfermline.

What has been a good thing to come out of the current pandemic situation?
It been good for my mental health.  Forced me take a break from the stresses of running a business.  Made me realise it's good to step back.

What has been a not so good thing to come out of the current pandemic situation?
It's upsetting seeing people being badly affected by the pandemic.

If all the restrictions and issues disappeared overnight, what is the first thing you would do?
Go round and hug all the people I've not been able to hug since this began.

Thanks Alby.

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