First Infant Primer - early 1890s

There ain't nuffink new about phonics.
Without 'em you can't learn to read.
And unless you're remarkably stoopid,
The chances are high you'll succeed.

But it oughta be fun in the process
And, frankly, quite simple enough,
Without poor tots grinding through grammar
And spelling, so early: that's tough.

This First English Primer is ancient.
It belonged to my grandpa, and he
Must have learnt in the late 1800s,
As easy as A, B and C.

The pictures are cheery - in colour!
The letters as clear as they're bright.
No, there ain't nuffink new about phonics.
And without 'em you can't learn to write.

© Celia Warren 2020

If you notice, in Lesson 5, all the target words contain a short A sound. Whassat if it ain't phonics?!

All day, as all last night, it has rained heavily and incessantly. It made it easier to settle down to more sorting - clutter clearing, some scanning, some keeping (including this little book with my Grandpa's name written neatly on the front cover) and childish scribble across one of the pictures. (I wonder if that was his or, perhaps more likely, his little sister's handiwork?) It dates from the early 1890s.

Hope you're having an enjoyable weekend, whatever the weather.

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