Resident Rat, and Ring

Meet Sydney, who mostly only emerges in the dark, ventured out in the light today, but is very fast moving, should have upped the ISO...

- reading CS Lewis's The Silver Chair aloud, at Julia's request; Tom has never read it, and meeting Puddleglum again, what a character!
- some light-hearted moments, like when I joined them both in their new bed, very comfy, especially with the feather duvet from Auntie Eve over us
- all three of us sitting down to Sertanejo maize cuscuz (brought by Julia from Brazil) with cheese, mackerel and veggies, for brunch

Oh, and many congratulations to Julia and Tom on their engagement exactly a year ago. As Tom said, not what he imagined he'd be doing in a year's time when they got engaged. What a year it's been!

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