Seaside Scene Again

A visit from the daughter and granddaughter to the bench across the road - and it was almost warm in the sunshine. In the garden out the back everything was soaking with dew; enough to make me think if this malarkey continues we need a patio heater. And perhaps a makeshift gazebo like the neighbours have rigged up. For Christmas lunch. 
Then off to pick up the picture at the Open Eye and have a nosey round the latest exhibition, before I decided a play on the boat would be in order. This boat has a snap shackle on the main halyard, unlike the last which I used to keep permanently attached. So of course, there’s clearly the important thing of snapping it shut. And I’d never given much thought to that as it’s such a simple thing. Except this time, raising the sail, there was a slight pop and then a zinging noise. Yep, that was the shackle zipping its way to the top of the mast, where it is currently sitting, safely out of harms way. And use.
Yet another learning. I sat and opened a can of beer and read the paper on the mooring in the sunshine. 
And finally, an arty event! The Leith History Mural has been augmented with animations and a "bespoke soundscape” (indeed) and it’s very worthy of a visit, though their food less so. So it was Jubilee fish supper to end the evening. Terrific! Well, terrific fish anyway.  

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