and through the wire...

By hesscat

Life Imitating Art or Art Imitating Life?

On 6th September we went to see Tenet after months of lockdown etc and we intended returning to see it again. Exactly a month later we did return to see it as we head back towards lockdown. If you've seen the film, you'll understand this blip title... I hadn't realised it until now.

We really enjoyed it the first time, it follows an unusual timeline where time starts to reverse, yet plays out going forward, and both overlap. On first viewing, not knowing the plot, it was trying to work out why random things were happening... and then it clicks and my jaw drops and you spend the rest of the film trying to keep up. 

Many of Christopher Nolan's films are about time and Inception was the first that really played with timelines and got you working things out requiring further viewings, but Tenet takes it to another level, so of course we had to see it again! I don't doubt most people just want to watch a film without this jiggery pokery (I like those films too), but I just love films that mess with my head like that. 

I guess they may make more money that way, repeated showings, especially in covid land... but it was ironic sitting watching the trailers, including the next James Bond film saying it was out in November... even the trailers are messing with my head, but despite desperately wanting to see him, I was sticking my v's up and booing (quietly)... as the cinema we were in is shutting on Thursday night due to James delaying until next year.. booo. How. many others will now follow suit. He gives the impression he is so brave too...

Oh yeah, look a rainbow.

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