Box Hill Post

Today's detour on the way home from Mum's took me to Box Hill.  I parked at the top with the intention of roughly following the Stepping Stones walk down the 275 odd steps  to the River Mole, with the stepping stones, along the river to a cafe for some much needed refreshment, and back up to get the car and home, a round trip total of 3 miles, 8165 steps and 37 flights of stairs according to the iPhone health app.

The steps down were quite muddy and slippery after the rain at the weekend, but I was looking forward to seeing and photographing the stepping stones as I couldn't get near them for people when I last visited in the height of Summer ... only they weren't there (extra)!  There really had been a lot of rain at the weekend :-)

Walking along the river I noticed old iron gate posts (missing gates and fences), and decided to try an in-camera double exposure for Chantler63's Mono Monday challenge, with a small red-coloured bush as the second image.

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