Another rainy day...

It's been another wet and sometimes windy day... the land isn't drying out and Michael and Chris are a little concerned about the drilling of winter cereals.  Hopefully this autumn won't go the same way as last year.

I took a photo of 'Top Cat' with this huge Simba harrow that Chris has washed down now it's finished with for the year. 

I wanted to expose some 5 x 4 film to test out the Jobo processing kit  I've just acquired. I've always found it difficult to maintain consistency with temperature and agitation when processing negatives. This kit makes that all easy and I fancy I can see the benefit, particularly with the grain in the highlights and sky...

MPP Micro Technical 5 x 4 and Schneider Kreuznach Xenar 1:4.5/150mm, Fomapan 100, f22 at 1/10 sec.  Scanned with Epson Perfection V800.

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