"O" is for Orange

The Tiny Tuesday challenge for today is: "starting with O". I actually thought about this more than I care to admit; all I could come up with was Orange........so I looked around for something small and orange.....and found this tiny Cherry tomato that had not yet turned red.....it was a nice shade of Orange.....okay, Blip finally done. Thanks ApolloFly for coming forward to host TT this month.

Since I still had my dehydrator out from drying my plums, I decided to dehydrate banana and apple chips......they are really yummy. I like them because I don't add anything to the slices, just plain simple fruit. (see extra)

It was another beautiful day to do a few things in the garden and relax with a book and journal. 

I hope you are all taking good care of yourselves as this time of Covid seems to go on and on......patience is wearing thin.. finding any kind of normal seems more important than ever. Please be grateful  for the little things......Life can be good if we look for the good. 

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