Book Festival

This is advertising an event in March that didn't happen.  As I walk though the city I see lots of other old posters advertising events that didn't take place.  Nothing recent as of course there are no concerts or anything.  But it occurs to me that the people who have a business selling this advertising space are another hidden cost of what we are going through.

New tighter restrictions introduced in Scotland today in an attempt to slow down or reverse the increase in numbers before we  really get  into Winter. . 

One thing I'm finding really useful is the new interactive map showing the number of positive cases in your neighbourhood.  I know that in my area, from a population of 3,321 we have had between 1 and 4 cases over the last 7 days.  But the location I visited just after this picture had 79 positive cases over the same period.  It helps to let you know where you are most at risk.

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