CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Visit to Branklyn and Perth Heather Gardens

A lovely bright Autumn day

I had a good long Skype conversation with my friend and he was in good spirits. It is a year past July since he was sent home from hospital, having been told 'there was nothing more that they could do for him.'

My wife and I went through to Perth, firstly to visit Franklyn Gardens where the Autumn colours on the trees and bushes were stunning. Then we went down the road to visit the Perth Riverside Heather Garden, somewhere we had never been. I was blown away with the beauty of the place and the range of colours of the Heather. It was on the banks of the River Tay and there were some good views of the City on the other side. I was able to take some lovely photos, like the the one on this page and if you would like to view my Google Photos you can click the links below.

We now know the added restrictions being applied in Scotland - mainly in the Hospitality section, which is provoking many anguished cries - small wonder. They are supposed to be for just over two weeks (three weekends) - I do hope it has the desired effect of lowering the transmission rate of the Virus. 



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