Marie's Garden

MrQ and I met our daughter at Ernest Doe agricultural merchants of Ulting this afternoon. He didn't want to travel on the A12 so we let the SatNav take us along increasingly narrow Essex country lanes. We both enjoyed the magical mystery tour. New wellies all round for the three of us at Doe's. 

We had intended to go to Heybridge for tea but ran out of time. Our daughter headed home and we nosed into Heybridge Basin for a short while to stretch Ollie dog's legs. It was lovely by the river but I didn't hang around as MrQ was waiting in the car.

The Telegraph is still moored (extras) but she continues to be in need of some tlc. There's a garden near the Daisy Meadow car park that has loads of huge fibreglass exotic wild animal models in it. I've never noticed before that Marie's conservatory is full of classic motorbikes. :)  

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