
By brambleblossom

Sunrise at Loch Maree in the highlands of Scotland

Still having no luck with transferring photos from my iPhone to my iPad so am again posting a picture taken on our holiday. We wild camped along the loch and this was our early morning view from the cosy confines of the motorhome. We felt like children playing house , it was fun . 
Had less fun this evening trying to use my ipad to have a FaceTime Call with my dad . I had tried it out earlier to make sure everything was In working order but when I called his residential home they seemed to have problems connecting us , in the end we had to give up and use the phone . I could tell that the isolation from the family is having a detrimental impact on his cognition . He has done so well but partway through the call he forgot who he was speaking to and asked me which grand daughter I was .  I noticed that he kept rehearsing our names for fear of forgetting . He has always had a great sense of humour and usually we can find things to laugh about but tonight we just couldn’t chase the sadness away . Most of the time he thinks the lack of visits are because we are too busy, which is so sad as he is so well loved and receives calls on FaceTime most days but it doesn’t have the same impact on well being as actually being alongside loved ones in the flesh . Hopefully it will go better with tomorrow’s caller and the iPad will actually work . 
Just about to call one of my nieces who has begun her mental health nurse training this week ,  hopefully her day will have been an interesting one . 

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