
Caught between stupor and torpor I rang Oxfam in Keswick to find out how to drop stuff off to them now in the time of covid. I learnt that you book a slot. The lady said someone had cancelled their 2pm slot today and there were no other slots until at least next week.
It was gone 1pm. Some people might shoot up heroin, i now seem to only operate when I get a hit of sorting stuff.
Stuff, stuff, stuff. Sick of dead people’s stuff I was energised into action, threw a stack of books into the green recycling bin and headed for Keswick. Dropped them off and afterwards walked up to see the chaps.
I am wistfully wishing I’m down in that lovely clean, empty house I’ve just left with just a bed, a chair and a table.
I’m appalled and sickened by the mountains of accumulation and accretion of layer upon layer upon layer.
The myth of the solace of stuff.
I’ll probably change my mind when things settle.

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