A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

End of term

End of half-term to be precise, though personally I think this short half-term (5.5weeks I think) has felt at least twice that long.

But we're done now and ended on a big high with Jackson's year group's show. They had done a great job of keeping it all a secret from us. Between them they had written it all and made all their own props and costumes and one of Jackson's friends who is a particularly talented artist had made the back-drop. In my experience these productions tend to be reasonably enjoyable but really only interesting because it's your kid. Today's was quite an exception and I think everyone left with a smile this big on their faces. Part of it involved getting a couple of unsuspecting parents up for some audience participation and this picture of J was taken during this bit.

Only one more sleep until holiday and we'll all have a grin that big.

Lesley x

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