Mystery Plant

Can you give it a name?

Fellow blipper Norfolkdoc gave me this curious plant.   It trails over the side of it's pot, heart shaped leaves in pairs along the stems which just keep on growing.  It seems to be thriving in the porch-servatory on the back of pur kitchen, new growth at the tips, now three feet down from the pot which lives on a high shelf.   It also makes round swellings along the stems, a bit like little dried peas, for storing water perhaps as it's leaves are quite succulent and it's been very tolerant of drought when I forget to water it!   There  are also many side shoots and these are now producing lots of these very curious flowers.   A very interesting gift :-)

We all had a good day.  A couple of long chats with Ruth's Social Worker who demonstrates a good understanding of Ruth and her needs.   Plans for the next step in looking for a new arrangement are in hand.    Some cleaning and tidying plus tonight I cooked a Chilli using an authentic recipe that Jamie brought back from his trip after his friend's Gran brought a ready made one in for the boys one day.    Very mild the way we made it but absolutely delicious.

PS.  The flower is tiny - about 1cm top to bottom.

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