Six pink soldiers...

Looking at this now, I wish I’d done what I know others here are inclined to do; play around with them, and turn one to have its back to us!

I had a chat with our neighbour first thing. We came out of our front doors at the same time. She’d delayed going to work after receiving news her friend had died at 3am. Also lots of other tough things going on for her at the moment. I was late for my meeting but that was ok. We’ve seen more of each other these last months and it’s been good.

I went with Big Sis to buy a “big birthday” gift for one of her old school friend group. Christmas is already very evident in garden centres. And pink seems to be the colour this year. Fits in well with Pink October and BCAM. Please visit the breast cancer site and click to donate a free mammogram to someone who would benefit from having one. Thank you!

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