In my defence I was working under supervision (or I get measurements wrong and I'd put the brackets on back to front and in the wrong place).
We were making some new small bookshelves for the larger books and the retaining bar is being tacked on with panel pins.
Marlane said something along the lines of 'When I nod my head, hit it', unfortunately I missed her head and hit her finger instead.
Now that's my idea of a little joke which will get me into even more trouble but I just can't help myself. It was entirely my fault of course, I went for a final, unnecessary, hit from the hammer just as Marlane thought I'd finished. Result is a painful blood blister where I caught the flesh of her finger.

The day didn't start off too well either. We all went to get our winter flu vaccinations. I dropped Marlane and F.M.i.L. off at the door and went off to park the car.
I went to queue myself and realised the queue was enormous, stretching about 4 or 5 hundred metres from the surgery door, around the car park and up to the lorry delivery area of Morrisons supermarket. See EXTRA for a small section of the queue. This was taken after I'd been shuffling forward slowly for about 10 minutes.
I'd walked the length of the queue looking for them but then realised someone must have told them to go in front so they weren't standing out in the cold.
I gave up, got back to the car just as they were coming out. I went back up later on my bike, the queue was the same but I didn't have anyone relying on me to take them home.

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