Lookie likie ....

Another one of those days.
The fencers here knocking in posts before taking away the post knocker for another job.
Spent the morning crawling about under the round baler renewing broken pick up reel tines before I park it up for the winter. Gave it a good grease and oiled the chains and parked it in the shed until next year.
The hill herd away to the blackie Tup sale at Stirling with my Landrover so didn’t go to feed the heifers down the road today.
This Simmental x cow calved and had to be brought in as she only had 1 tit out of 4 that works . Defrosted some colostrum our the freezer and tubed the calf. Hopefully it will manage to suck the one good tit and if we need a calf I will lift it off her to twin on. Then hopefully fatten her up and sell her for steak pies ! That’s life .

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