High Blue Flyer

Another lazy Florida day. We headed out to the shore about 3 p.m. after a stop at a church thrift shop. I found a fawn plate that is going to 50% off on March 18...so I hid it. (I really didn't, but I wanted to.)

3 black buzzards were hanging out at the boat launch. Even with their buzzard eyes on me...I snuck up fairly close. After the buzzards, this blue heron and a snowy egret were awaiting my arrival. 20 feet...15 feet...12 feet. This shot is not cropped at all. I was very lucky to get it in the frame.

After a couple more shopping stops...we decided to stay for the sunset. The setting of the sun was better than average...but it still was not the stunner sunner I'm waiting for. The sun shots, and a few more birds are on my FLICKR PAGE. Have a look.

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