
By ayearinthelife

Separate Lives

There is an expression “everything but the kitchen sink”, but when packing to go to Chester today, we actually included a kitchen sink!
The sink in our flat has been leaking for a little while now - looks like the previous owner was fond of dropping knives in willy nilly which has lead to some small pin holes appearing over time. Only really a problem if you want to fill the sink with water and leave things to soak, but decided it was probably best to replace it. Our local plumbers said they could source and fit one, but “no issue if we wanted to find one ourselves and they’d fit it”. Translation - we can’t be arsed finding one you’ll like, but if you supply one we’ll happily fit it for you!
Might be a bit academic though. Cheshire West (which includes Chester) is in the newly announced Tier 2. As this means households can’t mix, then this could be our last visit to see mum for some time. Not worth our while doing a 200 mile round trip just to have a sink installed that we’re not going to be using!
For now, I’ll leave the sink here in the flat where it’s out of the way, and make sure I spend a full day with mum tomorrow, before the restrictions come into force on Wednesday. Just have to hope that when the situation is reviewed in four weeks time, the outlook will be somewhat brighter.

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