King of the Tree

I see Scrub Jays once in awhile but seldom in my backyard; I usually see them on power lines or in the sky when I am driving. This guy sat quietly for awhile.

It was fun having Ellie last night, but when I put her to bed she laid very quietly for awhile and then started to quietly cry; after about 5 minutes she stood up in her crib and cried. I went over and asked her what was wrong and she said very sadly, "I want to go home. I miss Grandpa Mike". So I asked if she wanted me to rock her for awhile and she said, "Okay."  As we rocked I could see her eyes were wide open and I thought she was still thinking about going sad.......I asked her if she wanted to sleep in the big bed with me and she said, "Okay!" We talked for a little bit in bed and then we both went to sleep; I woke up sweating in the middle of the night because she had her back curled up against my sweet.....but I scooted her over a little so I could cool off. She woke up very happy this morning and said to me, "I hear Papa Bob in the kitchen, he will make me breakfast." I thought, "Yes, good idea maybe I can get a few more winks of sleep after I change her diaper".....and I did.  :-))  Later we took a walk in the sunlight to pick up pretty leaves for an art project.

Life is good ..... even in the midst of craziness. Stay safe out there my Blip friends.

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