
By atoll

Noughts and Crosses

For some reason I couldn't sleep this morning so was up before 6 and working (guilt over yesterday perhaps?).

As the sun started to come up the day looked like it was going to be a nice one, so I decided to walk and buy a paper and some nice breakfast things (Kippers, Irish Soda Farls and organic free range Burford Browns eggs). I had also dumped the car somewhere last night as me and MrsB had been running very late to meet some friends for an early doors drink and sundowner.

Lots of beautiful skies around this morning but as usual I was taken with another contribution to my Cloud Appreciation Series (although again, it begs the question: when does a vapour trail become a cloud?) Not quite the dramatic Russian meteorite trail of devestation of yesterday, but still impressive I thought.

What was clear was that the comings and goings at Manchester Airport were incredible as the sky was criss-crossed with planes taking off and landing. Some in Knutsford hate the flight paths over the town (particularly after the new runway), but I love seeing it and wondering where everyone is going to and coming from.

I was tempted by a coffee before picking up the car, but decided to frequent Kath's Cafe stall in the market (no fancy acute accent on the é here). I chose this rather than the high street cappuccin-ification of my usual Costa. I have to say the coffee was dreadful and the place was freezing (it was outdoors though covered-over), but the crack was great. I was the only customer at 7.30 as Kath was chatting with the lady that runs the next door knicker stall. They were reading out loud the new 'rules' on traders being proposed imposed by Cheshire East Council. Their language was a bit ripe, but I sensed this was part a comedy turn put on for my enjoyment. I loved it.

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