Just for today

By frans


This one I borrowed from our youngest son. He went to Amsterdam and visited the tropenmuseum and Nemo. In Nemo you could among other things blow various kinds of bubbles. This is one of them.

With tennis we won again! I can however help you out of your dream, because at tuesday I never tennis competition, but only friendly games. But it IS good for my confidence!

I'm starting to reed about Australia because after 5 weeks I'll be heading to Perth. The books don't make me much wiser. All I read is to NOT arrange things from home, but to just go there and make plans when your there. Now that's some advice! I'm glad I can borrow this stuff at the bieb because it isn't worth buying.

At work I have so little to do and so much time ... oh well stop ... reverse that.

This morning I had to crab ice from my cars windows, same as yesterday. It's spring for Christs sake!

The good news is that our television is fixed, that is to say: we became a new one. So the WII can be replaced again.

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