
By Madchickenwoman

Peaceful Walk?!

The Exile and I took the dogs for a walk along the Tamar Trails. We haven't walked there since March so Oscar was very excited to not only be there but to be there with The Exile and his mum! As soon as I let him off the lead he went running off to meet a dog further down the track! I've had two stressful times in the Trails where he has gone chasing after another dog and refused to come back - and the owners were alarmed by the size and exuberance of him! He did come back this time after several calls and whistles so not too bad but I was on the alert for the rest of the walk whenever I spotted another dog - he was on and off the lead multiple times!  I know he is only playing but sometimes in his excitement he can be quite alarming to other dogs and they run so he runs and pandemonium ensues! The trails has lots of paths so after 30 minutes we lost all the other walkers who had set out at the same time as us from the carpark, so it was easier to let him off the lead as other walkers could be seen as they came towards us. However..... what should come down another trail joining ours but two unaccompanied  small children on bikes!!! Oscars worst nightmare!  He went hurtling towards them barking, I grabbed the whistle and blew furiously, and The Exile ran after him! She is much more laid back than me but she recognised the situation as dangerous! Luckily he stopped short in front of them and just barked furiously until she grabbed him! The two small children - not more than 6 years old if that, were amazing - they didn't cry, they just stopped their bikes, possibly in sheer fear! Both The Exile and I praised them for being so calm and the older child started telling us about another dog who had done the same but was much smaller than Oscar! I think the younger child was simply in shock! Their parents then appeared and were all smiles! Phew! I was so relieved Oscar had not leaped at them and knocked them down! The rest of the walk was calm and it was a beautiful walk in the sunshine and we ended it with tea and cake at the cafe 2 hours later!

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