
By LornaL

Book of the duchess: gathering outside the minster

Number 10: The rebels gather in the city outside the minster

The plot episode 9 (summarised from the text of Lorna’s novel)

Michael worked for constitutional reform in the duchy. He proposed the repeal of the game laws, the dismissal of Provost marshal Guillot, the re-establishment of the Council of Elders, and the removal of the ducal guard. Michael did not, however, call for the overthrow of Duchess Jacqueline.

At the minster, Michael gathered his supporters to share his plans.

Lorna’s remarks

All I can say about this is that it is nicely vague. I am afraid this rather Byzantine-looking edifice of red sandstone is the minster, whose pleasantly Gothic interior appeared in Number 7. Perhaps it has frequently been altered during its history, like Gloucester Cathedral*?

Raoul, poor blighter, looks as though he is waving the washing, and Michael by some miraculous means has added many cubits to his stature. The crowd, though slightly more efficient than the previous one (Number 8), are still in the wider sense miscellaneous, both in age and size. However, there is a ‘stir of civil strife’ that was lacking in the other.

And I do like the girl hanging round her young man’s neck!

*Lorna was very familiar with Gloucester Cathedral through her Uncle Percy and Cousin Diana.

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