
By Jen_Elliot

Terrifying Journey Home - Did I Make it?

Add to the terror, I was at a petrol station and realised I had no bank cards. I still had to get a few miles across town, a few miles at the next appointment and maybe 5 miles home. As I left for the journey home the display stopped counting down. I got to a garage on Ferry Road, near Ocean Terminal and tried to remember my Visa card PIN but it is sooo long since 8 used it and it was a new card, that I'd forgotten. Guy in garage wouldn't accept phone payment from my husband. S%it! A crawl on prayer home.

Got to Porty. Got my cards. Crawled and hoped my way down to Musselburgh garage. Got there. Bought diesel. Phew.

Tomorrow is a bike day, indeed next week is a bike week.

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