Life Savors

By osuzanna

Web Closeup

This macro shot of drops on a spider web seemed in order on this dreary damp day. 

The news each day sometimes makes me feel like my head will explode.  In fact last night it nearly did, when I was waylaid by a migraine, something I haven't had in years.  Fortunately, it didn't hit until after dinner, so when the nausea set in to confirm my diagnosis, I went to bed and slept it off.  All is right today, and I have been avoiding the news. 17 days until election day.

We chose to vote by absentee ballot this year.  We dropped our ballots off at a box outside of city hall a week ago hoping to avoid any hiccup with the postal service.  Today both my husband and I received email confirmation that our ballots had been received.  Very reassuring. 

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