Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Surprise visit.

Got a delivery today and a surprise visit from a very special little person - Grandson number 4.  No contact permitted, no hugs or kisses, no visits indoors to the toy room (my office) but lots of laughs and a bacon sandwich each!  Fortunately it was a calm afternoon, no rain and 11c outside.  What's not to like.  Max is a bright little boy and understands what's going on but did struggle a bit when he couldn't hug everyone.  To compensate he gave out packets of Parma Violets.

In other news... this morning I fell off the bottom 3 steps of my ladder trying to replace a strip light tube in the garage.  As I hit the floor my first words to MrsDB were, "If I turn round and you're laughing I will have to  -----------------------------------"  
I got a lecture about going up a ladder in my slippers.  The bulb wasn't broken.

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