River of Flowers

By doffy

Dydd Sadwrn/Saturday

Another fine morning, MrD went off to Asda and the market before breakfast but said it was still quite busy!
Washed bed linen and got them dry in the warm breeze.
Noticed the holly bush has even more berries than last year, 
birds will be so glad of them in a few weeks time.
Lots of family history today because I had a little theory and went searching for a husband for a cousin, his name was Elias, her Dad was called Henry and they had a proper marriage licence with addresses which matched census records - perfect :-)) ... then they had children and their branch grew dramatically! 
Had a wander around the garden a few times, MrD has finished our stock of Bardsey eating apples so I’ve started picking the “James Grieve” from the tree by the fence.
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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