Ristosan's Journal

By ristosan

Ghost Riders In The Sky

by Neil LeVang

During the past three months, when visiting my mum at the nursing home, she has talked a lot about her father's step-father and her goodness. My only memory related to her father's (my grandfather's) parents was a visit when I must have been around 5, and finding the old folks' chatting boring I went to their living room alone to listen to the radio. This song was played in the radio (a vocal version in Finnish) and that was the first real pop music hit that I became enthusiastic of. So that was the start of that, eventually leading to the Shadows, the Beatles, etc etc.

Took this during my morning walk that I started about half an hour before sunrise. I enclose as an extra another capture of the morning  sky viewed through the trees. The extra was taken perhaps 20 minutes before the sunrise and the actual blip perhaps 5 minutes after sunrise.

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