Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

We went for a walk around the perimeter of Powderham Estate this morning and were surprised that it was only 3 miles. Definitely a route we will repeat soon.

As soon as we got out of the car we could hear distant stags bellowing but
it was half way through our walk before a photo opportunity presented itself.
One stag with an injured eye , was trying to round up a couple of hinds with their young fawns. They in turn, were trying to get away from him which sent them all in our direction and towards the boundary wall. I didn't have a clear shot of the group and felt very much like the paparazzi  as I lurked behind the wall. I was left in no doubt what the stag thought of me (extra)
Included here for humour content rather than technical quality

Within seconds another larger stag appeared on the scene, charging around and bellowing. 'One Eye' soon retreated probably remembering an earlier fight.

Once he had rounded up all the stragglers, stag no.2 posed beautifully beneath the oak trees, reaching up to grab some acorns.

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