
By RichardLyons

Settle -Carlisle

You may remember my blip a few weeks ago where I didn't realise the was a regular steam train on this line some Saturdays.

I was working in the morning and almost missed it again, so I've sepiaized it to make an old-style fading postcard effect to try and hide the fact that I hadn't quite the time required to get set for the shot and get the focus, shutter speed and aperture sorted in time. I had also mistakenly thought that the train was going to stop at the station, so was moving much faster than I was prepared for.

I was also hoping to include the meerkat from the previous shot, but sadly it had been stolen. This threw my plans further array.

However I'll just pretend that I was aiming for the effect you see and will return next week to try again.

Tries hard but could do better.

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