One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Extreme design, by Iarnród Éireann

The purpose of this revolutionary design is to transport the cosmopolitan traveller out of his/her daily commute and have him/her question the chromatic validity of his/her surroundings, while stimulating a sense of potential juvenile transgression by constantly reminding him/her that the integrity of the piece can at any time be altered with a can of spray paint, hence reconnecting him/her with the basic instinct of the Mark.
The commuter abandons for an instant his/her fixation for tri-dimensional displacement to his/her place of work to focus instead on the implication of transgressing the rules of the commonly perceived as complete. His/her compulsion to add a personal touch to the bi-colour canvass tips him/her over to the dark side of the incomplete, the chaotic, the anarchic inner drive.

Will he/she write "Stevo gave one to Koilie in Oxegen" in black on the red side or "Damo is an arse bandit" in white on the grey side?

The opening of this sublime installation appears to have been a resounding success, judging by the number of empty cans of Olde English strong cider that litter the immediate vicinity of the piece.

"Bicolour bow" can be admired at Kilbarrack train station until the next time the action-painters from Iarnród Éireann run out of grey paint half way through.

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