It's one life, live free!



Quite the contrary... the title is the current state of thoughts and the photo is the end state of how I want it to be. Empty!

A day before, I got to take part in a life journey exercise reflecting on the high points, low moments, turning points, and wisdom events from my 35-year journey. I only touched on one or two of each moment. Upon listening to other life journeys, my mind recognizes and wants to dig deep and go beyond those few to several layers deep. It has been 11 days and I feel like my every waking moment is in a perpetual state of dwelling to pen the whole journey.

The mind doesn't stop, does it?

It is heavy. The longer I keep it, the heavier it gets. The only way I can part with it is to write it down. This is the first step.

A lot happened since my last post from New York City. "Hello world" from London, UK!

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