About to turn

By jMcLean


A trail for horses runs alongside the W&OD, usually above on a higher bank that's separated by trees. And today we actually saw horses on it - not that common a sight. They seemed pleased to have their picture taken, and the riders didn’t mind either.

I spotted different horses out and about earlier today, as the Loudoun Hunt was training hounds for the upcoming season. A few members had the hounds practicing their road manners going up the hill, minding the riders and not milling about into the street, and then running through the woods and valley behind our house. You could hear the horn blasting at an echoey distance and the hounds yipping in excitement. 

A pair of barred owls has also been very active behind our house. Apparently their call is supposed to sound like "who cooks for YOOOOUUU?" Wonderful to hear two conversing in the night.

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