The chopping block

Today was the latest in a series of dreamwork courses which I've been attending every six weeks or so. I have benefited from the guidance of Maggie P.'s training for twenty years off and on, and I met Helena on one of these day long course at St James's Church, Piccadilly in the early 1990s.

We all ate a shared lunch together and after clearing the tables I managed to go out for a ten minute stroll to get some fresh, but cold air, before resuming the afternoon session. Viv, Anna and I walked along past the church yard to a footpath leading down to a small brook where we stayed for all of one minute before turning back. I had brought my camera and managed a few odd shots ranging from strange marks on the grassy slopes of Rodborough Common across the valley, to recently collapsed Cotswold stone walls, stacks of logs and an etched window painting.

The latter was one of a series around the recently refurbished Woodchester village hall which was the venue for the course. Perhaps on our next dreamwork course I'll try to record the story told in the beautiful etched windows rather more eloquently.

As I walked back up the sloping entrance to the hall, I passed the pile of logs stacked against the red brick of a cottage and could see into the back garden where the axes were resting. These recent stone walls are in rather better condition than the old frost damaged walls I'd seen earlier.

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