It was a dreich morning, and I busied myself in the house.

We had been told that our flu vaccines were being done by the NHS this year and that we would receive a letter with an appointment date and time.  This differs from the arrangements over the last years when all we had to do with go along to our local surgery at the appointed time and have it done.  No letter has yet been received, and we, and most of our friends, were getting a bit anxious about it.

This morning I received a phone call from a friend to tell me that they were administering flu jabs in our local civic centre.  We headed down there, and were taken immediately with no fuss whatsoever, and so that is done.  

I wonder if we will receive a letter with an appointment, and if so, when!

Made some mushroom soup in the afternoon, and did a bit of knitting, and that was my day.

Saw this gentian in the alpine tub in the garden, and thought it would make a nice blip.  I love that shade of blue!

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