Great Tit

A car trip into town this morning to try and get to grips with the new road systems ..... bus gates, road works and closures don't help folk like me who find navigation very difficult. 
L came with me as navigator so without too many hiccups I can now get from home to the Buchanan Galleries car park .... a route I need for church on a Sunday. 
Few people really understand what it's like and the panic that arises when you are diverted from your chosen route ..... fortunately L does.

We had a cuppa in Princes Square, a wander round Waterstones and then a final purchase in Lakeland before heading back to the car. I had taken careful note where I had parked the car so all was well.

A lazy afternoon of sewing and snoozing ..... in between managing to photograph the great tit enjoying a snack at the suet block. 

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