Adam's Images

By ajt

Hardware switch

Rubbish day at work, things aren't good at the moment, people aren't spending money and even though we're not directly impacted, the ripples spread out and the result is that it eventually that hits us in the IT sector. The UK government may be spending billions (some may say with their friends) but none of it is coming in our direction...

My mother-in-law and her little dog are back, while the weather is nice - though ironically yesterday was nicer than today. She is helping my wife on the garden wall. I get to walk the dog before bed - which is okay, he doesn't complain and it's good to walk before bed.

Today's back blip for tiny Tuesday is a piece of IT hardware. It allows me to switch between two work laptops (living on the floor under my desk) and my home desktop and the home serve. The state here shows my home computer (1) selected and active. My work laptop (2) asleep but with power, a client's laptop (3) asleep no power and my home server (4) alive but not selected. Without this switch I'd not fit everything on my desk....!

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