My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Holding Signs

This is ... Jesus day 4

The Free Tea & Coffee sign also appeared on Monday. Here it's being held by Rebecca, who has been overseeing the stalls.

It was fun helping out at the stall today, having conversations with atheists, and sitting in the sun while holding the sign. We also had the last King's Buildings lunch bar, which went well, with a good turnout and what looked like lots of good conversation.

My astrophysics lab started up today. My lab partner, Naomi, and I were a bit miffed that we had to spend three hours in a darkened lab when there was actually sun outside, and the lab wasn't much fun. It didn't help that I was tired and hungry and so a bit crabby - and this evening I actually fell asleep while trying to do a hand-in for tomorrow!

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