Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Best seat in the house!

This is Cleo's favourite place, being so slim she fits neatly on the windowsill. If I draw the curtains she'll happily stay behind them in the warm place above the radiator. At times she can even manage to get in between the curtain and the lining in which case she is completely snug! On these evenings when it gets dark earlier she's there from around 5pm!
Sunday today and the clocks went back. From now till March there is a five and a half hour time difference between here and India, they are ahead of us of course.
I didn't go to church today, I'm hoping to get back into my routine from Wednesday this week. We had our second baptism in a row today so the church will have been at capacity I imagine.
Finally got around to cleaning the fishtank before which as needed doing for a while, it always looks so much better afterwards. Next I spent an hour or so on paper work for Cursillo. The database needs some attention so I worked on that, using my contacts to try and up date it. Always fun!
Jon brought the girls round for a couple of hours after lunch while Kathryn was sleeping. He dropped them at the door! It's hard not to have him in the house and feels very inhospitable. The girls wanted to get straight into the garden to play with the skilts again.... that lasted about two minutes as they were cold. Next on the agenda Isobel and I were sent to make pancakes while Eilidh played with Ali's 30 year old collection of Polly Pocket toys. They've lasted well.
Colin and I had an easy dinner tonight then played some games of Mancala, a recent charity shop discovery. We watched the first episode of the latest series of Strike and that was it for another week.

Keep safe everybody and look after those around you. I think we're all feeling it just now.

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