
Do these people who constantly bugger about with the roads, pavements and the wired/tubular/cable-pipey-channelled infrastructure therebeneath maintain maps of their works? Do they all just maintain references to their own concerns or is there some sort of master database somewhere listing every pipe, cable, tube, wire and junctions thereof? Google Earth already suffers from content overload in some areas when every layer of additional information is enabled but they're mostly point references to locations rather than the tube-map-from-hell which even a heavily stylised and simplified schematic representation of the human-laid urban underlayers would form. Additional layers showing the current reach of the cables carrying cabled internet (which would interest me to check that there really is a small pocket of unavailability right where my flat is)or electricity and the pipes of gas, water and shite would massively increase the time-absorbing procrastinatory abilities of mapping software though it's unlikely to be something which would ever be made freely available to the public in case anyone used such information for the purposes of terrorisms by identifying key points to attack. They'd also leave themselves wide open to complaints about how incredibly disorganised everything is and how it would surely make more sense to arrange things more logically and efficiently. The fact that such things accrete is something with which I can sympathise, especially at the start of the month when updating some of my multi-step monthly reporting document-cascades though I've recently documented and simplified them a bit. As exemplified by the relatively inefficient, sometimes elegant but occasionally bodged, makeshift or co-opted arrangements within animals when something develops organically it rarely if ever ends up the way it might have been planned if the eventual requirements had been known at the very start. This one is slightly different; surely at some point during the three-year formation of the newly-finished-ish building opposite when this bit of the pavement was being regularly attacked they might have anticipated the need to install the wiring for the pedestrian crossing/lamp-post/otherwise wire-up street-furniture-item due to be planted on top of the tube?

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