Birthday superheroes

So irritated that I left my knitting at home by mistake...didn’t have much to finish of H’s cardigan and I have time on my hands for a change this week so had hoped to finish it. Today was a bit slow as a result. Sunny and bright for a change so I decided to walk round to the shop to get some things to decorate the fairy cakes I’d made and get some steps in,. Kt was out doing a scent trial with Heston...they came second and got a tires Heston out as he’s not used to having to use his brain so much!
T and I were thinking of going to the allotment but didn’t, although I looked for some landscaping and horticulture courses for him to take and he thought about trading his car for a van.
Once Kt back we headed down via P’s to set up his new iPad and I sorted his kitchen out whilst we waited and eventually got to Mt&H’s quite late to help Mx celebrate his 3rd birthday. Looked around their new house...nice size and rooms a good shape but so much work left to do...the kitchen still not installed and whole place needs rewired, lot of replastering to be done and the bathroom needs a lot of work. Mx very taken with the Batman outfit T&Kt bought him (although he couldn’t really see through the mask!) and wouldn’t take it off so AR joined him in dressing up and they enjoyed the fairy cakes we took and birthday cake they’d had to buy as they have no oven at the moment. We chatted to Mt&H (trying to help over the problems they’re having about the house with D) and played with the kids for a couple of hours whilst Heston and Higgs chased around, then left them to the chaos and drove home.
Quiet night in, and an early night ....well, not really, after all the hour went back today so it felt later!

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