Ancestral roots at Kilmuir Cemetry .

I walked up to this graveyard myself while J went on ahead to the big beach on the Balranald RSPB reserve. This is where my paternal grandparents are buried. At the time of their death it was not customary to erect engraved stones but rather to place a large piece of stone at the burial site . My Grandfather William MacLean , who died when my father was still a boy , did however erect a memorial to his two elder brothers - Archibald and Alexander here on this site. He called my own father Archibald Alexander MacLean . There is no mention of my great grandparents but about 10 years ago we spoke with the local person who held records of the old cemetery confirmed that this would have been the family lair.
I feel very grateful for my family history and where I have come from today.
We had another lovely day here .
Other highlights of the day were the sightings of two eagles - a sea eagle which was flying as we drove over the committee road to Sollas and a golden eagle that stayed around us while we had our picnic beside the thatched cottage at Sollas.
It is so special that these magnificent birds are here. There is an extra photo of the eagle. J took a much superior , clear photo of the eagle which he was delighted with.
Sollas always delights with the beautiful shapes and shades of colour on the beach.

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