A Day In The Life

By Irish59


This shot of our local hardware store sums up the current situation perfectly. Rakes on the left to remove the leaves from your lawn, and snow shovels on the right to remove snow from your step • With our first measurable snow expected to fall overnight tomorrow into Friday morning, it’s likely some residents will be using both implements within a 24-hour period • The first snow, no matter the amount, always causes a bit of a stir. People fill their cars with gas; rush to the grocery store to purchase much needed staples (everyone’s version differs: milk and bread, or chips and beer); call their local garage for an emergency appointment to mount snow tires on the car • It’s always an adrenalin rush, the anticipation of seeing it for the first time, remembering our childhoods when snow meant sledding and forming snowmen, and not inconveniences and expenses • Relax, put your shovel away, because Fall is only taking a day off. There are still leaves to be raked and pumpkins to carve.

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